Day 3 (Recall)



I experienced joy today in a way that I have never experienced before… In a way that brought life to a lot of dead places in me.

If someone asked me to describe joy before I would have probably said something like happiness or being alright with my circumstances. But when I experienced this joy, I felt freedom and healing. I felt freedom from what people think about me… caring about how I looked from other people’s perspective. I felt untied to past hurts… I had such great joy with sweet laughter and tears. Such joy that was accompanied with so much peace (Which if you were able to spend sometime in my mind, you would know how much of a miracle that is).

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????And you know, I have this deep feeling that life is going to be different from here on out (in a good way). My life is going to have much more laughter and peace in it… no matter the circumstances. I have peace, joy and a thankfulness that I haven’t been able to enjoy in a long while. I am glad that there is a new color to life and a beauty that brings me to my knees in thankfulness.

Wow, so this is life… There is so much beauty. Life comes from the ashes (Isaiah 61:3) and joy when living for Christ.


Deadline accomplished

Good news everyone: I raised $1500, which is what was needed to reserve my spot on outreach to El Salvador! That was 1500 in a week!

Thank you everyone who gave in prayer or financially! I feel like recently I have been a little nervous about funds but I have received so much provision. The ways I’ve been provided for have been random like people donating, odd jobs and greatly timed circumstances. Experiences like this make me question why I ever worry? :S (Not to say that you shouldn’t be responsible with money and resources! I just feel a deeper trust and faith that I will be provided for…)


Well, thank you all again! I am really appreciative of the support. I am so excited to see what God has in store this month!

Cheers for 40% of cost provided for! WOOT WOOT.

$2400 out of $5800

Video of Catalyst Training School

This the Catalyst Training School’s video. It gives detail about the program, what to expect and the great stories about how it was used to really change students lives! (expanded vision)

It is really cool. I kinda wish I had looked at this video before now; It is super informative and much easier to imagine myself doing than just reading text about the program.

Catalyst is really awesome.