Open Doors in Arizona and El Salvador!

The wait is OVER!

Today (Friday 12/20), Catalyst: First Year training school announced (to me) that it is offering two outreach trips in April- El Salvador and Arizona! Now, we students must decide which, if any, we are drawn to (given that El Salvador is roughly $2400 and Arizona being roughly $1200).

Besides wanting to be able to say that I have traveled to Central America or thinking about money restrictions, both places sound cool. I don’t know much about either place since I haven’t been many places in or outside the US.  Actually, I could have sworn that El Salvador was in South America but Google just informed me differently. :S

In my mind, all parts Arizona is hot and dry all the time like the weather in Lake Elsinore (a desert in Southern California) -where instantly when you walk out the door, you shrivel up like a raisin and it is way too hot to be in a good mood. But, I think El Salvador could be the same during April… honestly, I should research both these places and ask the staff what assignments we will complete there… This post is showing me how little I know about each of these places.

Anywho- I guess I am off to research and pray about this stuff…